„Cloud … sign this. It’s a contract that says when the war is over, all the materia will belong to me.“

„Hahahaha … Shut up.“

„A pro isn’t someone who sacrifices himself for his job. That is just a fool.“

„Because…of our actions … many … people died … this probably … is our punishment …“

„A memory is something that is consciously recalled, right? That’s why sometimes, it can be mistaken or wrong. It’s different from a memory locked deep within your heart.“

„That’s okay, it was probably depressing anyway.“

„I won’t let you do it! The future is not only yours!“

„Look, don’t even ask! We’re way way way way far away from being there, ok!?“

„Maybe god’d forgive an ugly shit like you, but I won’t!“

„… you look like a bear wearing a marshmallow.“